25 December 2013

09 October 2013

Talking a stand

I am very glad to see them taking a stand. 

Women speaking out against abuse and rape


05 September 2013

15 August 2013

Slums or just crowded places?

This article from the BBC asks the question what defines a slum.  Many who live in the crowded areas of Kolkata and beyond have TVs, bikes, go to school and work, so what makes some define their neighborhood a slum?  Almost everyone I met in India takes pride in their home and yes its crowded, but no more than some neighborhoods in New York or Orange County.  What do you think?

Article on Royal Birth announcer

12 August 2013

Treating Teachers as Less Than Educated Professionals...What are the true costs?

An interesting article form the New York Times on the impacts of disrespecting the teaching profession and treating teachers as less than educated and knowledgeable professionals it subtle ways such as respect, salary, and general abilities.  I am very concerned that America will not recognize and support changes in meaningful ways until it is too late for the very children we are charged to educate, nurture, support, and shape for future endeavors.  A comparative education, skill set, and knowledge base is valued much higher in the business world than the educational one.  Hence, the reason so many leave the teaching profession to pursue careers in areas where they are respected, valued, and accorded with the dignity and acclaim that recognizes what they have accomplished and their value is compensated accordingly.  When over half of the teachers in America retire in the next 2-3 years, who is going to replace them?  Very few want to enter the teaching profession for the reasons stated above and many more.  Professionals do not want a second career as a teacher because they are not treated as professionals.  Yet, these are exactly the people that our students can benefit from the most.  A disconnect exist and until it is corrected, we are at an impasse and the education of our children will continue to suffer.

The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries

08 August 2013

Malaria Vaccine Holds Great Potential

Malaria Vaccine Proves 100% Effective

So in small scale trials, the vaccine developed in Maryland proved 100% effective in preventing Malaria.  Larger trials are necessary for validation, but this is an awesome breakthrough.  The key will be getting it distributed when ready to those most in need of it, namely the poorest people on the outskirts of society and the big cities.  I hope that it will not just be reserved for the wealthier people and it will actually get to those most affected by this disease.
Breakthrough: Trial results published today revealed a vaccine against malaria proved 100 per cent effective against the mosquito-borne disease in subjects given the greatest dose - the first such vaccine in history

Pcitures from Loreto Day School and of my students

Thank you to all of my students for one of the most amazing and interesting experiences I have had in my career.  I have learned so much from the teachers and students in Kolkata.  I had to purchase a new suitcase (a big one) to get all the things home that were given to me and I have many, many cards and thank you letters to put up in my classroom next week.  I miss all of my fellow teachers and lunch buddies in Kolkata and the girls of Loreto.

07 August 2013

Maharaja Will

So I believe we drove by this palace when we were in Delhi.  We saw some pretty exclusive places.

03 August 2013

Final Hours

So as I sit here in DC waiting for my new earlier flight I contemplate this amazing journey I have experienced these past five weeks.  I know I have grown as a teacher and a student and discovered more about myself.  I will miss my comrades, especially my other two Musketeers Alexis and Sarah.  We all parted ways to various destinations in the past five hours, but the memories and experiences I will take with me forever. 
I know I have become a better teacher and learned so much as a teacher in India.  I will miss all my students and colleagues at Loreto.  My mentor teacher Debatri taught me many things and I am grateful for her assistance and time.  I was sad to hear her grandfather passed away the morning I left Kolkata.  She is very close to all her family and is such a warm and welcoming lady.  I am sad that our awesome partnership ended on such a sad note.
As I am traveling these past two days, I miss the sights and sounds of India.  However, I will be very glad to get home to the kids and Bueno.  It will be nice to just rest a few days and not have to be anywhere.  I will have a few more posts to finish out this part of my blog in a day or so. 

Dubai Mall Aquarium

Hanging out with the girls at the super mall and aquarium.

01 August 2013

A Walk and a Shave

This afternoon I stopped by Loreto to say one final goodbye to my students and fellow teachers there.  I was sad and almost cried, but made it out without tears.  I decided to take a final walk back home from school and got some good snaps on the way with the camera.  On the way, detoured down some side streets and back alleys, ran into a protest march for the communist party (I think), and stopped to sit on a box and get a nice straight razor shave.  Paid about 10 rupees for it (about double the going rate I think), but hey it was a good experience.  That's it for now...have to get back to packing and seeing how much fits in my bags.  

31 July 2013

Overnight Village Adventure

If you have been following my blog, you know that about a week ago, I met a guy on the street named Ashish.  After many days of conversation and talking about Kolkata, he invited me to his house to meet his wife and son and spend the night.  Well, last night, I took off about 4:00 in the afternoon to head out to his village.  We took the tram down to the train station and after dodging through all the ruckus and picking up two 40's, we boarded a train bound for Klayanpur.  Now take all those Indian movies and stories you heard...add them all together and then you have the train adventure.  At first, not too crowded, but had the running jump onto the train to ensure we got a spot by the door where it was cooler.  As we moved further and further away from the city on our 60 minute trip, more and more and more and more people pushed and moved onto the train.  It was quite entertaining seeing how many people could fit into one car...and curling my toes to keep my big feet from getting stepped on in the rush to leave and board the train.

Arriving in Klayanpur, we jumped off the train (have about 30 seconds for that) and then walked through the village to his house after stopping for some Sprite and noodles.  That guy does love his noodles.  Venturing down the path, we get to the end and took off our shoes to begin the wading process.  Now Ashish had told me I would get really wet getting to his place since it was the rainy season....watch and see for yourself.  The need for hip boots does not even cover it!

Had a great time meeting the wife and kid.  Good dinner, excellent conversation, and a glimpse of what life is like for the people who live outside of Kolkata.  I will follow up on this thread in another post, just wanted to give you a quick update on what is happening here.