03 July 2013

Staring with Questions

I had an entertaining day today working with the students and officially leading one class and co-teaching another class.  I also helped several groups of students work on the synopsis for their environmental and energy use projects.  An interesting aspect that was also apparent in Vietnam, is that the students do not ask questions and when I asked them for questions today, they just stared.  So, I told them that I could stay quiet too and then I stared back at them for about a minute.  Then, they finally began to ask questions and to answer my questions.  It was a fun time.  I did some exploration of the material with them on plant circulation and transport systems using some diagrams and strategies to see what they already knew and to review the material.  Once they figured out what I wanted from them, all of the students were really engaged in the discussions and writing down the information.  I hope that they can learn from me and that I will also learn many things from them.


  1. Yay that's awesome! I think I would have felt pretty intimidated as the student or teacher.

    1. They are just curious I think but are also shy to ask questions. It's funny, because the lower grades really have no problems with asking questions. It is the older girls that are a little more hesitant to ask questions quickly.
